Looking back at the EMIM 2018 | 20-23 March 2018

THANKS for making the EMIM 2018 a success - for your participation, for your excellent science, the open-minded discussions at and around the EMIM!


EMIM photos are available at the fb page - take a look! (open access)

EMIM 2018 ONLINE PROGRAMME incl. abstracts | look inside

Plenary Lectures

  • Elisabeth de Vries - Groningen
    Current and Future Role of Molecular Imaging in Oncology

  • Nassir Navab - Munich
    Robotic Imaging, Machine Learning and Augmented Reality for Computer Assisted Interventions
  • Zahi Fayad - New York
    Stress Effect on the Brain, the Immune System and Cardiovascular Disease – from Neuroimaging to Cardiovascular Imaging: a Systems Biology Approach
  • David Boas - Boston
    Guiding Interpretation of BOLD fMRI by Measuring and Modelling Microvasculature Oxygen Distributions
  • ESMI Award Winner 2018: Mickael Tanter - Paris
    Changes of Paradigm in Biomedical Ultrasound
  • PhD award winner 2017: Nynke van den Berg - Leiden/Amsterdamn
    Advancing surgical guidance: From (hybrid) molecule to man and beyond

Recordings of Plenary & Educational Lectures

The presentations of the plenary & educational talks have been RECORDED and are available for all ESMI members through the member portal

Not a member yet? Just apply here and be part of the imaging community in Europe.

Parallel Sessions

Each of the 24 parallel sessions started with an overview talk followed by talks selected from the excellent abstract submissions.

The 24 Parallel Sessions:

PS 01     New Probes | Optical & Optoacoustic Imaging
PS 02     New Tools for Cancer Imaging
PS 03     Multimodal and Drug-Based Imaging of Brain Physiology and Connectivity
PS 04     Cardiovascular Imaging
PS 05     X-ray & Nuclear Imaging Techniques
PS 06     Neuroimaging | New Methods
PS 07     Imaging Metabolism
PS 08     Imaging Therapies
PS 09     Intra-Operative Imaging
PS 10     New Probes | PET/SPECT & Radionuclides
PS 11     Imaging Infection
PS 12     Data Analysis & Methodology
PS 13     Hyperpolarization MRI & MPI Technologies
PS 14     Neuroimaging | Disease Models
PS 15     Immuno - Oncology
PS 16     Optoacoustics & Fluorescence Imaging
PS 17     Brain: Structure, Function and Networks
PS 18     Oncology | Solutions to unmet Clinical Need
PS 19     New Probes | Synthesis and Enabling Technologies
PS 20     Microscopy & Optical Imaging Technologies
PS 21     Understanding Tumour Biology
PS 22     New Probes | MRI & Multimodal
PS 23     Imaging Immune Disorders
PS 24     Ultrasound & Opto-Acoustics Technologies

EMIM 2018 ONLINE PROGRAMME incl. abstracts | look inside


With the educational programme it was aimed to provide you with a state-of-the-art update on relevant topics and cover emerging themes in the field of Imaging Science.

  • Spotlight Symposium on "Working with Allen Brain Atlas Data"
  • Spotlight Symposium on "Intra-Operative Imaging - from Concept to Knife"
  • Vascular Heterogeneity
  • Synthesis and application of nanoparticles for Imaging
  • CRISPR IMAGES ‐ Synthetic Biology meets Molecular Imaging

Recordings of Plenary & Educational Lectures

The presentations of the plenary & educational talks have been RECORDED and are available for all ESMI members through the member portal

Not a member yet? Just apply here and be part of the imaging community in Europe.

Category Chairs 2018

Cardiovascular Imaging

Frank Bengel - Hannover Germany

Willem Mulder - Amsterdam/New York Netherlands/USA

Data Analysis & Methodology

Felix Gremse - Aachen Germany

Daniel Razansky - Munich Germany

Imaging Metabolism

David Lewis - Glasgow UK

Imaging Probes, Chemistry & Reporter Genes

Guy Bormans - Leuven Belgium

Giuseppe Ferrauto - Torino Italy

Imaging Technologies

Chris van Hove - Gent Belgium

Bettina Weigelin - Houston USA

Xin Yu - Tubingen Germany

Immunology, Inflammation & Infectious Diseases

Erik Aarntzen - Nijmegen Netherlands

Greetje Vande Velde - Leuven Belgium

Intra-Operative Imaging

Volker Neuschmelting - Cologne/Munich Germany

Go van Dam - Groningen Netherlands


Cornelius Faber - Münster Germany

Marlene Wiart - Lyon France

Oncology Imaging

Francisca Mulero - Madrid Spain

Tim Witney - London UK

young ESMI Groups

THANKS to the young ESMI groups for the organization of the Scientific Speed-Dating, the Meet the Expert Session, and young ESMI corner, your ideas, and enthusiasm!

Thanks for your participation & contribution!

  • AI4R
  • BET Solutions
  • BioSpace Lab
  • Bracco
  • Bruker
  • FujiFilm VisualSonics
  • Iconeus
  • Invicro
  • Inviscan
  • iThera Medical
  • LI-COR
  • Magnetic Insight
  • Mauna Kea Technologies
  • mediso
  • MILabs
  • Molecubes
  • MR solutions
  • nanoPET
  • OptiScan
  • PerkinElmer
  • piramal
  • Sedecal
  • Siemens
  • Spectral Instruments Imaging
  • Vilber

EMIM 2018 ONLINE PROGRAMME incl. abstracts | look inside