yESMInar series 2021

Focus on young Imaging Science

by youngESMI Groupsİ

Upcoming yESMInar | edition #5 on 19th May 2021

Talk Title: Encoding of Thermal Sensations in Mouse Brain

Speaker: Haritha Koorliyil, Paris

Discussion Lead: Mikhail Shapiro, Pasadena

Organzied by: French young ESMI Group.


The main speaker is Haritha Koorliyil: Haritha is a final year doctoral candidate at the ESPCI Paris-PSL University. Prior to this, she finished her MS in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Texas Dallas and went on to become a part of the neurodegenerative diseases research at Mayo Clinic. She is currently working at the Physics for Medicine Laboratory under the guidance of Mickael Tanter and Sophie Pezet. Her research mainly revolves around Functional Ultrasound Imaging of awake and freely moving mice to understand how thermal sensations are encoded in health and disease.


Mikhail Shapiro takes over the Discussion Lead: Mikhail is a Professor of Chemical Engineering, an Investigator of the Heritage Medical Research Institute, and director of the Center for Molecular and Cellular Medicine at the California Institute of Technology. The Shapiro laboratory develops biomolecular technologies allowing cells to be imaged and controlled inside the body using ultrasound to enable the study of biological function and the development of cell-based diagnostic and therapeutic agents. More information about Mikhail and the Shapiro Lab can be found online at

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What is a yESMInar???

It is a series of short webinars solely organized by the young ESMI Groups!



Every third Wednesday per month starting at 15.00h CET.


45 minutes


The main speaker is an invited young scientists. The subsequent discussion round is led by a senior expert/PI. Each seminar is organized and chaired by a different young ESMI Group.


Promote the work of young imaging scientists.

Provide an informal platform for extending the professional network of young imaging scientists - especially during these restricted times.


How can I participate?

You can join each yESMInar of your choice. You just have to register. Keep in mind that participation is limited to 100 though and make sure to register in time!


Registration is free of charge but obligatory!

Webinars will be held via Zoom.