THANKS for an inspiring, open-minded and fruitful week in the French Alps dedicated to IMAGING METABOLISM!

12th ESMI Winter Conference "hot TOPIics in IMaging - TOPIM 2018"

Date: 21-26 January 2018

Venue: Ecole de Physique des Houches

Les Houches, France



Overview of POSTER presentations

Imaging Metabolism

New in vitro and in vivo applications of physics and mathematics for the imaging of metabolism at the cellular, organ and organism levels will be discussed. For decades shelved as old biochemistry for undergraduates, the central position of metabolism in biology recently revived. Metabolism is central in brain activity and firing of neurons; in heart and muscle physiology; cancer is a metabolic glutton; accumulation of metabolic waste leads to atheroma; and diabetes, obesity and other metabolic disorders are the plague of modern medicine. Novel metabolites emerge in oncology as drivers of disease; while our microbiome as well as pathogens exert some of their beneficial and detrimental effects via their own unique metabolism. Non-invasive imaging is now crossed with high throughput metabolomics and mathematical analysis of metabolic pathways to produce game-changing concepts in physiology and physiopathology.

TOPIM 2018 Committee

Standing committee:

  • Bertrand Tavitian - Paris, France CHAIR
  • Michal Neeman - Rehovot, Israel CO-CHAIR
  • Vasilis Ntziachristos - Munich, Germany CO-CHAIR
  • Emmanuel Bossy - Grenoble, France CO-CHAIR

Committee 2018:

  • Kevin Brindle - Cambridge
  • Uwe Himmelreich - Leuven
  • David Lewis - Glasgow

Overall concept

Since 2007 the overall concept of TOPIM has been that experienced, high-level international scientists and younger/less experienced scientists from diverse disciplines are spending one week together at an inspiring place and to provide a "think tank" for knowledge exchange and intensive discussion.

Presentations are held during the morning and early evening; so that there are plenty of opportunities for continued scientific discussions.