Mission Statement & Statutes

+++ new Mission Statement 2021 +++

The European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI) represents the scientific community involved in multidisciplinary molecular imaging science. This includes basic, preclinical, translational, and clinical research on imaging technologies, methodologies, biomarkers and probes, modelling and data analysis.

Central to its mission is the creation of a collaborative community to pursue new ideas to image biological processes. ESMI strives to transfer this knowledge from experimental imaging studies to the implementation of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

The core value and competence of the ESMI is the integration and representation of all imaging modalities and relevant disciplines.

The ESMI - led by international leaders in the field and dedicated to scientific excellence, innovation, integration, and education - shapes the present and future of imaging science by:

  • Strengthening the multidisciplinary and inter-sectoral imaging science community by providing an international and dynamic platform for collaboration.
  • Providing a forum for continuous education, exchange of knowledge, and best practices at the highest scientific level.
  • Offering the young imaging science community a supportive and dynamic environment to shape the future of the field and continue to be an integral part of the ESMI.
  • Stimulating alliances with related fields to promote exchange of knowledge and innovation.
  • Identifying and contributing to relevant European directives that affect molecular imaging research and related funding strategies.

Your ESMI Governing Board 2021


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