Hot Topics in Imaging Technology - TOPIM TECH 2018

THANKS for a great week in Chania dedicated to BIG DATA in IMAGING!

It was a pleasure meeting all of you in Crete . With all the open-minded dicussions, the inspiring, interactive atmosphere, excellent lectures and projects all of you contributed to the success of the workshop.
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did, you have enlarged your network, and it will help you to further contribute to the sucess story of IMAGING SCIENCE.


One might say that Data is the world's great new natural resource

The term “BIG DATA” refers to increasingly large data sets. Due to their volume, the processing of big data requires specific tools and processes – also and especially related to imaging data. The emergence of big data is the result of the exponential growth: both in the availability and automated use of information, which has prompted the development of complex analytics based on algorithms to spot patterns.

The EC announced the conscientious collection, processing, and use of (big) data resources as overarching theme also for researchers. And the question on how to handle and translate big data and basic research results into clinical applications as one of the key challenges.

General TOPIM concept

TOPIM TECH is a series of high level Summer Workshops focussing each year on one hot topic in Imaging Technology.

The success of the ESMI’s winter conference in the French Alps - TOPIMannually held at the Ecole de Physique des Houches - drove the society towards the south and the warmth of the Mediterranean Sea. The idea of a correspondent summer workshop purposefully named TOPIM TECH, was realized for the first time in 2016 focussing on Multiparametric Imaging. After this first inspiring, succesful edition it has been decided to continue. In 2017 the second edition focussed on Optical Imaging, the third edition in 2018 dealt with "Big Data in Imaging Science".

TOPIM and TOPIM TECH aim at bringing scientists from various fields together and providing a “think tank” to foster new ideas and inter-disciplinary cross connections through discussions between participants. By combining expert descriptions of the most up-to-date imaging technologies and/or applications TOPIM and TOPIM TECH contribute in collectively describing the imaging approaches, categorizing them and drawing the landscape of in vivo imaging applied to a specific scientific issue.

The overall goal of both TOPIM conferences is to spend one week at an inspiring place and to provide a platform for intensive discussions and exchange of ideas between high-level international experts, senior, and junior scientists – and to tackle the crucial questions in Imaging Science.



Support & Co-organization

TOPIM TECH was co-organized and supported by the Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures - LASERLAB EUROPE