Top Thesis Webinar Series 2021 | Recordings

Focus on excellent young Imaging Science

A series of short webinars highlighting the outstanding work of the four RUNNERS-UP of the ESMI Award for excellent PhD thesis 2020.You missed the live webinar - here are the recordings:


Talk Title: 4D functional ultrasound neuroimaging and functional connectivity in awake animal

Speaker: Claire Rabut, Paris (now Pasadena)

Chairs: Uwe Himmelrech, Leuven & Giannis Zacharakis, Heraklion

Claire obtained her PhD at the University Paris-Sorbonne within the Physics for Medicine Lab (supervisor Mickael Tanter) and is currently working as a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech. Her research conducted in the Shapiro Lab now focuses on developing novel imaging methods for the monitoring of acoustic genetically encoded reporter. Her talk will focus on her PhD work during which she developed the first 4D functional ultrasound neuroimaging platform for rodents and explored pharmacologically-induced dynamic changes in brain connectivity in awake mice using functional ultrasound imaging.

Click at the pic to start watching Claire's Talk:

Edition #2 | PET IMAGING

Talk Title: Preclinical characterization of molecular hallmarks of Huntington’s Disease through dynamic PET imaging

Speaker: Daniele Bertoglio, Antwerp

Chairs: Guy Bormans & Albert D. Windhorst

Daniele obtained his PhD at the Molecular Imaging Center of Antwerp (MICA), University of Antwerp, where he is currently working as a postdoctoral research fellow. His research is aimed at the application of translational neuroimaging tools to quantify functional and molecular changes as well as evaluate innovative therapeutic approaches in preclinical models of neurological diseases. The talk will focus on his PhD work during which he validated the use of novel radioligands for PET imaging in mice to identify candidate biomarkers to monitor disease progression in preclinical models of Huntington’s disease.

Click at the pic to watch Daniele's Talk: